You must have joined these groups for free study materials, for participating in the quiz that students or teachers must be posting, or for updates of NET or SET exams of various states.
I'm asking you all to leave because you would keep on collecting study materials, but you would never read anything.
Don't leave the groups if you can control this habit of collecting everything that's free. Enjoy the quizzes and updates.
Secondly, keep your resources limited. Make a list of the books that you'll follow, and the channels you'll subscribe on YouTube. There are various good coaching teachers on YouTube who give valuable videos. Follow them and keep a copy and pen ready always whenever you watch their videos. Moreover, there are various professors of best institutions who have uploaded their lectures via various government channels like CEC UGC, MOOCs, NPTEL from India, and YALE UNIVERSITY and a few teachers from abroad like Michael Moir, who's one of my favourites and others. You can even download SWAYAM app, edX app, IGNOU app for lectures and free notes.
Thirdly, if you're joining any coaching for preparation, please read every day whatever is taught to you. Do not keep pending work. Whatever topic is taught to you, you need to read the same from an authentic book, and then read your coaching notes on that very day.
Revision is very important once you're done with any topic. Revise your notes everyday just before starting a new topic. Practice MCQs whenever you're free. It's fun to solve these once you're prepared with the topic.
And lastly, don't make notes. English Literature is vast like an ocean. There's no end to it. You don't have so much time. I myself never made notes during preparation. It's a waste of time. Highlight in book itself. Use different colours if required. Make short, crisp points in a page or a copy of every chapter for last minute revision. Write only the keywords and then whenever you have to revise, just read the keywords and try to recall the matter.
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